Everything You Need to Know About Certified Vital Records

People reach several milestones as they go on to live their lives, from the day they are born to the day they will die. Most of these occurrences are accompanied by documentation used as evidence for the events that happened at a specific time in their lives. These documents are usually known as certified vital records, which come in a variety of forms, such as:

  • Birth certificates
  • Death certificates
  • Divorce certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Vital Records Uses

Birth Certificates

A birth certificate contains a record of a person's birth date, time, and day. Usually, it is provided by the clinic or hospital where the individual was born and further issued by the attending physician at the time. In a situation where it was not obtained, the individual can get the certificate from the state registrar with the approval of a registered midwife or doctor. 

A birth certificate may include other details like sex, country, and city of birth, along with the exact place of birth. It may also contain more information, such as parents' details, name of the certifier, race, etc. This document can be used when you need to have a verifiable form of identities, like a driver's license, social security number, or passport. As a result, it is one of the essential certified vital records that you must possess. 

Death Certificates

A coroner issues a death certificate as soon as an individual passes away. This certificate details a person's time, date, and place of death. This record is crucial because it is mostly used to verify that the person has actually died. It can also be used to verify family records and support life insurance claims.

Divorce Certificates

A divorce certificate is a type of document filed in a court of law and provided by legal experts. Divorced couples use it to show that the marriage has been legally terminated. It also details essential responsibilities delegated to each spouse after the divorce, such as child custody and so on. 

The divorce certificate does not come in any fixed format as there is no set standard for such documents. Additionally, this record can be used to find out a person's divorce status, obtain genealogical details, run a criminal background check on them, and get their address. 

Marriage Certificates

A marriage certificate is a declaration that the state issues to two people to acknowledge their marital union. This certificate is signed by a government official identified as an officiant and both parties involved in the marriage. After that, it is sent to the government. The date and location of the wedding are crucial details that can be found in the document. Furthermore, a marriage certificate can verify the family history, file spousal insurance claims, and verify the family union.

Final Words

Now that you know about vital records uses and how they can help you in a variety of ways, it is a good idea to have them with you at all times. If you wish to verify a claim made with one of them or replace a lost certificate, all you have to do is visit the government agency responsible for it and get what you need. However, this procedure can be time-consuming. As a result, it is preferable for you to apply for vital records online with the help of a trusted application service. 
